Chlorophytum borivilianum (Safed Musli) : Nature’s Wonder Gift
Chlorophytum Borivilianum is also known as Safed Musli that belongs to the Liliaceae family. In recent years, this plant has gained much popularity due to its economic value. Safed Musli is known for its roots and saponins components that are associated with various medicinal properties. This plant is used in Indian medicinal system since the 11th century AD. In Ayurveda, Safed Musli is categorized as a 'Vajikaran Rasayan' and used to treat various diseases such as leucorrhea, gonorrhoea, impotence, infertility, diarrhoea and dysentery. It is considered a "Divya Aushad" or white gold and used as a health-promoting drug or tonic in the ayurvedic medicinal system. Safed Musli is used as an alternative to "Viagra". Some reported therapeutic and pharmacological properties of Safed Musli include aphrodisiac, immunomodulatory, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antiulcer, adaptogenic, and antimicrobial. In folklore culture, this plant is used in the form of 'Laddoos' as a diet for mothers after delivery. Due to its high economic value, the Indian Medicinal Board has started promoting this plant's cultivation and production as the demand for this plant has been increased in the national and international markets globally. However, the plant needs to be conserved as this plant has been listed as a critically endangered species as per the Red data book of Indian plants. The factors responsible for the species deterioration are irrational cutting, overharvesting, insufficient knowledge and others. In this review article, the pharmacological properties, phytochemistry, ayurvedic and folk uses of Safed Musli are briefly summarized.
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