An Overview on the Ornamental Coniferous Tree Cedrus deodara (Roxburgh) G. Don (Himalayan Cedar)
Cedrus Deodara (Roxburgh) G. Don is an essential aromatic coniferous tree that belongs to the family Pinaceae. It is commonly called as Himalayan Cedar in English and Devdaar in Hindi and Devdaru in Sanskrit. The leaves of the plant (pine needles) give it an ornamental appearance. It is abundantly found in the Western Himalayan range. The plant has its description in almost each Ayurvedic compendium including Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita and Ashthang Hrudya and used against diseases like, respiratory problems, dysentery, diarrhoea, inflammation, eyes and nasal problems, goitre and graves diseases, fever, diarrhoea and urinary disorders etc. In addition, the plant is well used in folkloric practices of disease treatment. The secondary metabolite system of the plant is comprised of alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides, resins and tannins still the characteristic feature of the plant is its high essential oil content which is comprised of many important phytoconstituents such as deodarone, alpha pinene, cisocimene, limonene and alpha longipinene etc. Each phytoconstituent is associated with many therapeutic and pharmacological activities such as anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant etc. Apart from the medicinal value of plant, it provides excellent quality timber and building manufacturing material. The present review is the overall summary of the traditional utilization, phytochemistry and therapeutic significance of Cedrus Deodara.
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