Vettumaran Gulika - An Ayurvedic Review
Ayurveda is oldest science, this system of medicine started since Vedic period or even earlier. It emphasizes on maintenance of health and cure diseases. For achievement of these goals, medicines especially Rasaushadhies have an important role. Vettumaran Gulika is a most widely used herbo mineral formulation in Kerala used in fever, Gas trouble, emesis, dysuria with different vehicles. The study aimed to review literature of Kerala most used Vettumaran Gulika an ayurvedic formulation. It is mentioned in Sahasrayogam, an important hand book on Ayurveda.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Hemant Pundlikrao Charde, Mukeshkumar Arjunrao Rathod, Pranam Suresh Kharche

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