A review on Hepato-Protective Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy and herbs used in Ayurveda
Liver is the largest gland and considered to be one of the vital organs which work multidimensional work for our body like digestion, growth and maintaining the health of body. In the Veda Yakrit (liver) is being described right from the Vedic period. Modern working culture and lifestyles can cause overstress and make it malfunctioning. There are no specific and safe hepato-protective drugs are available in contemporary medical science. While in Ayurveda, Panchakarma and defines herbs has the property to prevent, treat and cure hepatic disturbances with interception of fewer side effects. The purpose of this review is to elucidate the vital role of liver and aimed at compiling data based on reported works on Ayurveda Panchakarma procedure and Ayurveda herbs that have been tested in hepato-toxicity models and proved as hepato-protective. Also, the probable mode of action of Virechan (Panckarma procedure) and few herbs has been discussed in Ayurvedic and modern aspect.
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