Systematic approach to Nayanabhighata w.s.r. to ocular trauma
It is said that if vision is lost the whole world becomes blind for that person. Hence for every individual protecting his sense of vision is very important for his existence. Acharya Sushruta has contributed more with regards to Nayanabhighata. Many Acharyas explains the treatment methodology which is useful for Nayanabhighta since Vedic periods as we have reference of replacement of injured eye with artificial eye in Rigveda. For treating the Nayanabhighata, many Kriyakalpas are used extensively which are mentioned in Shalakyatantra which are basic treatment modalities. Ocular trauma is a term given to an eye injury that occurs because of direct blow to the eye. The magnitude varies from a normal black eye to sport injury to a serious case of blood collection between the cornea and iris. The classification,site of injuries of ocular trauma are discussed in this.
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