A survey report on status of Bala (Physical strength) and Agni (Digestive Strength) during Greeshma Ritu (summer season)
Ayurveda advocates the maintenance of health by using regimen like Dincharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Sadvritta (social code of conduct), Aachara Rasayana (personal code of conduct), Vega Vidharna (not to hold natural urges) etc. Ritucharya means ‘the Aahara (diet) and Vihara (life style) and other behavioural activities according to specific Ritu (season), in accordance with Shastra (scriptures). A lot of physiological variations occur in the body during Greeshma Ritu (summer season) like exhaustion, general weakness, drowsiness, increased thirst, reduced appetite etc. Charaka Samhita has also described that the status of Bala (physical strength) and Agni (digestive strength) is very weak in Greeshma Ritu (summer season). To observe the status of Bala (physical strength) and Agni (digestive strength) during Greeshma Ritu (Summer season) i.e., during April to June 2018, a survey was conducted on 500 apparently healthy volunteers in Paprola and surrounding areas. Paprola is a small town of Himachal Pradesh, situated in foot hills of Dhauladhar Ranges of Himalaya. Data was collected by a questionnaire framed on the basis of Ayurvedic texts. Many volunteers showed reduced Bala (physical strength) but their Agni (digestive strength) status was good.
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Shastri K, Chaturvedi G, Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita with Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Sutra Sthana 6/28, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, 2009, p 142.
Gupta A, Ashtanga Hridyam of Vagbhata, Vidyotini hindi commentary, Sutra Sthana 3/30 Varanasi, Chaukhamba Prakashana, 2009, p 38.
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