Development and sensory evaluation of ‘Hemakirana Panak’ (an excellent cooling drink) : Research Article

  • Yachana Dinesh Oswal MSc Scholar, Nutrition and Food Science, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Mukund Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
  • Prof. Priya Darshane Assistant Professor, Department of Ayurved, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Mukund Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Hemakirana Panak, Citrus aurantium (idlimbu), Cooling Drink.


The recipe Hemakirana Panak is chosen from Kshemkutuhalam a work on dietetics and well being published by IIAM as an excellent cooling drink. The product was prepared by taking into account the ingredients and quantity as mentioned in the book, the therapeutic and nutritive benefits were studied of the ingredients mentioned in the recipe. Further sensory analysis was carried out according to the taste, appearance and palatability. The research was undertaken on a pilot study for development of community. The product was exhibited overall acceptability with respect to cooling drink sweet taste and white in color. We can conclude that product has been accepted widely by the community and further analysis can be carried out.


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Kshemraj Sharma, Kshemkutuhal. Pune Sahitya Vitiran, Pune. Second edition, 2014;PP-237.

DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i4.1424
Published: 2021-09-15
How to Cite
Yachana Dinesh Oswal, & Prof. Priya Darshane. (2021). Development and sensory evaluation of ‘Hemakirana Panak’ (an excellent cooling drink) : Research Article. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(4), 55 - 57.
Original Article