Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) : Disease Review and Ayurvedic Management
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common disease and frequently found in childhood. JIA is the collective term to denote large group of conditions with variable manifestations. Acute and chronic inflammation of multiple target organs especially musculoskeletal system. During the course of a disease the number of involvement of joints, type of joints involved will decide the type of JIA according to ILAR classification. As the etiology of the disease is complex, it has involvement of genetic factor as well as auto immune pathology. Management of the disease requires a team work including medical therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs, psychological counseling, physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Ayurvedic management can improve quality of life of a patient. Shodhana therapy with Snehan with medicated oil, Nadi Swedan, Valuka Pottali Swedan and Mridu Virechan shows great improvement in the symptoms. It will also decrease the progression of disease. Immunomodulator drugs has great role in the treatment. Rasayan is indicated in Samhitas that helps in preventing deformities and support physical and mental strength of a child.
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