A study on Adharaneeya Vegas w.s.r. to Charaka Samhita
To cope with the preventive measures of the modern science many Ayurvedic concepts are to be reviewed also, must be updated and presented so as to fulfill the lacunae in preventive aspects of health. In this background the study of Adharaneeya Vegas with special reference to Charaka Samhita in relation to its commentators in preventive aspects have framed the objectives. After analyzing all the relevant sources, it was revealed that the Adharaneeya Vegas definitely play important role in maintaining the health as well as manifestation of diseases. The explanation regarding the Adharaneeya Vegas is given in the context of Swasthavritta or Sadvritta. Hence the Swasthya is maintained by following the Swasthavritta which is also in the form of Adharana of Adharaneeya Vegas. If a person honestly follows such principles of Swasthavritta the person definitely achieves hundred years healthy life span.
Madhava Nidanam of Madhavakara by Prof. K. R. Srikantha Murthy published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi 2016,pg.121.
Acharya Vridha Vagbhatta, Astanga Samgraha, edited with saroj Hindi commentry by Ravi Dutt Tripathi, publishedby Chaukhamba sanskrit Pratishthana, Varanasi,UP, Edition2003, Sutrasthana,chap.3:63,pg50.
Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakasha edited with Vidyotini hindi commentary by Bhisagratna. Brhamasankar Mishra’, published by Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, UP, 11th Edition-2012, MadhyamaKhanda, chap.39, Medorogadhikara Pg.407.
Swami Muktibodhananda Hatha yoga pradipika published 2011.pg 67,82.
BKS. Iyengar forwarded by yehudi Menuhin, Light on yoga 2000, PG 66to74,111 to 112,237to 242.
Copyright (c) 2021 Usharani LR, BH Katti, Venkatesh Goudar, MR Sajjanshetty

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