Concept of Autoimmune Disease as per Ayurveda w.s.r. to Indralupta
Alopecia areata, is an autoimmune disease which is characterised by hair fall in small patches. It can be correlated to Indralupta through its Nidana Panchaka. Alopecia areata is the commonest cause of patchy hair loss. It may be regarded as an immune-mediated type of hair loss. The condition affects 0.1% to 0.2% of the population and occurs in both males and females. A single round or oval patch of complete baldness develops rapidly usually over the vertex or in the occipital region. There are no subjective symptoms and the denuded area of scalp is of normal color and texture. Patches in the beard may occur alone or in association. In an auto immune disease, there is a wrong reaction of our body immune system against the body's own tissue. Ayurveda suggests this in a slightly different way that the immune system do not accidentally attack own tissues but it does defence against a form of harmful metabolites called Ama.
Pratt CH, King LE Jr, Messenger AG, Christiano AM, Sundberg JP. Alopecia areata. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2017;3:17011. Published 2017 Mar 16. doi:10.1038/nrdp.2017.11
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