Method of preparation of Kupipakwa Rasayana w.s.r. to Uttama Rasasindura - A multidimensional remedy

  • Sajina P Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India
  • Asha P. N. Guide and Associate professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.
  • A. K. Muraleedharan Professor & HOD, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.
Keywords: Uttama Rasasindura, Rasarajachintamani, Kupipakwa Rasayana.


Introduction: Original dimensions of Ayurveda are in built in the ancient compendia of Indian wisdom called Vedas. Rasasastra in ancient classical textbook shows the inclination in the usage of Parada was towards Dhathuvada and Dehavada which gradually turned its importance in Chikitsa. ‘Rasarajacinthamani’ is a compiled textbook of Rasasastra written in Malayalam language by Vadayattukotta K Parameshwaran Pillai. Uttama Rasasindura is explained in this textbook along with different types of Rasasinduras. Materials and Methods: The treatise Rasarajachintamani is reviewed for the specific formulation, Uttama Rasasindura. Contextual review of the used herbal as well as mineral drugs were done from Ayurveda pharmacopeia of India and text books of Dravyaguna Vijnana. The study has been carried out to lay down basic operating procedure for preparation of Uttama Rasasindura. Three samples were prepared by adopting the conventional method of Kupipakwa preparation. Results: Kajjali Nirmana as well as conventional Kupipakwa Rasayana Vidhi were carried out to prepare Uttama Rasasindura (URS). All the three batches of URS prepared were resulted in average 16½ hrs of procedure with an average peak temperature of 682.80°C. Discussion: Comparing to formulation Rasasindura explained (eg: In Rasatarangini etc.) this preparation took lesser time duration with an average final yield of 40.04%. It has been claimed that Parada without Gandhaka Jarana is not capable to cure diseases. Sagandha Bahirdhuma method is adopted for Uttama Rasasindura. For this purpose, some effects have been carried out regarding the heating pattern and interpretation of Mridu, Madhyam and Tivra Agni in terms of temperature etc. It might happen due to the Agnisamskara.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i5.1446
Published: 2021-11-07
How to Cite
Sajina P, Asha P. N., & A. K. Muraleedharan. (2021). Method of preparation of Kupipakwa Rasayana w.s.r. to Uttama Rasasindura - A multidimensional remedy. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(5), 122 - 128.
Original Article