Effect of Bindu Ghrita on external application over Nabhi in Vibandha w.r.t. Constipation - A Case Series

  • Ramya L. Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Panchkarma, Shri Jagadguru Gavisiddheshwar Ayurvedic Medical College, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
  • Manjunath Akki Professor, Dept. of Panchkarma, Shri Jagadguru Gavisiddheshwar Ayurvedic Medical College, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
  • Suresh Hakkandi Professor & HOD, Dept. of Panchkarma, Shri Jagadguru Gavisiddheshwar Ayurvedic Medical College, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Vibanda, Bindu Ghrita, Nabhi Pradesha.


Vibandha as both the terminologies have similar features like Purish Nigraha (obstruction of stool), Pakvashaya Shoola (pain abdomen), Parikartika (pain during defecation) etc. Constipation can occur at any age and is more common among individuals who resist the urge to move their bowels at their body's signal. Body is originally composed of Dosas, Dhatus and Malas. In Ayurveda there are so many preparations and Karmas to treat the constipation. By the application of Bindu Ghrita on Nabhi by penetrating into skin it enters Pakwashaya through Srotas due to Virya of the drug it expels the Dosha through Adhobhagahara and it expels Mala only in two external applications over Nabhi. By application over Nabhi expel the Dosha through Pakwashaya and relives the Vibandha.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i5.1468
Published: 2021-11-07
How to Cite
Ramya L., Manjunath Akki, & Suresh Hakkandi. (2021). Effect of Bindu Ghrita on external application over Nabhi in Vibandha w.r.t. Constipation - A Case Series. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(5), 319 - 322. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v6i5.1468
Case Report