Endothermic reaction for Veerya analysis of Patranga (Caesalpinia sappan linn.) - An Experimental Study
Background: Patranga (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn.) is having Kashaya, Tikta, Madhura Rasa, Ruksha Guna, SheetaVeerya, Katu Vipaka, Kapha Pitta Shamaka. Kaiyadeva Nighantu mentions it under Chandanadi Varga and is useful in diseases like Vrana (wound) and Daha (burning sensation). Among Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Karma- Veerya is important factor in deciding therapeutic efficacy of the drug. Veerya means the potency of a Dravya which enables the Dravya to show its action. It is considered as the active principle of a Dravya. If the potency of the drug is less, it results in poor therapeutic action. So Veerya of the drug plays important role in Ayurvedic treatment principles. Objective: To analyze the Veerya of the drug by endothermic reactions. Materials and Methods: An experimental trial is done to decide the Veerya of Patranga (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn.) by using endothermic Veerya analysis method. Result: Patranga (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn.) being Sheeta Veerya Dravya shown endothermic reaction when mixed in water. Conclusion: Endothermic chemical reactions occur which reduce temperature. The theory behind decrease in the temperature can be stated due to Sheeta Veeryata of the Dravya.
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