Ayurvedic concept of Aahara Vidhi Vidhana in maintaining health and preventing diseases

  • Vijaymahantesh M. Nagathan Associate Professor, Department of Roga Nidana. BVV Sangha's Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Aahara Vidhi Vidhana, Aahara, food, dietetics.


Ayurveda is an ancient science which not only gives effective Chikitsa for many Rogas but also provides healthy way of living. Aahara, Nidra and Bramhacharya are the three Upastambhas of life in Ayurveda. Ayurveda gives immense importance to Aahara and explains that how healthy and technique eating is important for Swastha Shareera, Mana and Aatma. Acharya Charaka describes ‘Aahara Vidhi’ which explains us about importance of Do’s and Don’ts of diet and drink. It gives importance of eating healthy Aahara and also describes its various ways. In present era, diet and lifestyle is unknowingly responsible for many diseases. Now a day people are fascinated towards frozen and preserved food which satisfy their taste bud but as well invites many diseases. That’s why one should follow Ayurveda principles to prevent various disorders.


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Charaka Samhita Chikitsa sthana chapter 24, shloka 60, with Ayurveda Deepika commentary by Chakrapanidutta, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, 2001.

Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana chapter 27, shloka 349-350.

Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana chapter 25, shloka 40.

Charaka Samhita Vimanasthana chapter 1, shloka 24, with Ayurveda Deepika commentary by Chakrapanidutta, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi, 2001.


Chemistry of the molecular nature of matter and change, Martin Silberberg; 2008.

R.K.Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(2), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-128.

R.K.Sharma, Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(3), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-128.

Sagar Sharma, Aahara Vidhi slideshare (June 22, 2014), available from https://www.slideshare.net/drsagarhk87/Aahara-Vidhi.

Charaka Samhita Vimanasthana chapter 1, shloka 24.

R.K.Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(5), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-129.

Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana, chapter 26, shloka 102-103.

R.K.Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(6), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-129-130.

R.K.Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(7), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-130.

R.K.Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(8), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-130.

R.K.Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita, English translation, vol-II, Vimanasthana, chapter 1, shloka 24(9), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Reprint 2011, p-130-131.

DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i5.1493
Published: 2021-11-07
How to Cite
Vijaymahantesh M. Nagathan. (2021). Ayurvedic concept of Aahara Vidhi Vidhana in maintaining health and preventing diseases. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(5), 166 - 169. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v6i5.1493
Review Article