A clinical study of effect of Udarda Prashman Ghana Vati and Siddharthak Taila in Sheetapitta, Udarda and Koth

  • Vinay Kumar Yadu Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Kalawati Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre and Hospital, Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kotha, Udarda Prashamana Ghana Vati, Siddharthak Taila, Nitya Virechana.


Background: Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kotha are a Tridoshaja Vyadhi, in which Rasa and Rakta Dhatu are Dushya, Rasavaha and Raktavaha Srotas are involved, Srotodushti is Vimarga-Gamana, Adhisthana is Twacha and Vyadhi Swabhava is Aashukaari. Lakshana of this Vyadhi are - Varatidansta Sansthan Shotha, Mandalotpatti, Kandu, Toda, Raag etc. Objective: To know the effect of Udarda Prashamana Ghana Vati  and Siddharthak Taila in Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kotha. Methods:  In this clinical study, 60 patients of Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kotha (Urticaria) have been randomly divided in to 2 groups. In the first group, 30 patients were given Nitya Virechana ChurnaChurna selection and dose according to Prakriti and Koshtha of the patient, Udarda Prashamana Ghana Vati for Internal use - 500 mg thrice a day with water and Siddharthak Taila for external use for 2 months. In the same second group, 30 patients were given Udarda Prashamana Ghana Vati for Internal use – 500 mg thrice a day with water and Siddharthak Taila for external use for 2 months. Results: After studying all the data, we found encouraging results in both Group A and Group B, but more benefits in Group A than compare to Group B. Conclusion: Udarda Prashamana Ghana Vati and Siddharthak Taila are a safe, cheap and harmless Aushadh Yoga in Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kotha. If both are given with Nitya Virechana Churna, they are even more beneficial.


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How to Cite
Vinay Kumar Yadu. (2022). A clinical study of effect of Udarda Prashman Ghana Vati and Siddharthak Taila in Sheetapitta, Udarda and Koth. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(6), 01 - 09. Retrieved from https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/1531
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