Role of Kshoudra in Agnikarma
Sushruta known as father of surgery has described various procedures along with some parasurgical measures. Agnikarma is one amongst these parasurgical procedures. Agnikarma has been given special place in surgery by Sushruta and it is believed that disease treated by Agnikarma never reoccurs. Based on the specific heat retention and transmission capacity Acharya prescribed different materials like Pippali (Piper longum), Ajasakruth (goat’s excreta), Godantha (cow’s teeth), Shara (arrow), Shalaka (metal rods), Kshoudra (honey) etc. For Agnikarma on specific body parts. Kshoudra is one among them used to treat diseases situated in Sira, Snayu, Sandhi, Asthi.[1] The mechanism of action of Agnikarma is still obscure. Agnikarma act on a multi-factorial level in the body. Mainly it is indicated in the diseases caused by Vata and Kapha because of its Tikshna (quick action), Ushna (hotness), Sookshma (subtle), Vyavayi (quick spreading), Vikashi (works without being metabolised) properties to remove Srotorodha (obstruction in channels of body). Agnikarma with Kshoudra was not widely practiced. This paper deals with details of Agnikarma with Kshoudra and its utility.
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Sushrutha Samhita with Nibandha Sangraha commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya and Nyayachandrika Panjika of Sri Gayadasacharya edited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Chaukamba Krishnadas Academy Prakshana, Varanasi. reprint 2008, Sutra sthana 12th chapter.
Sushrutha Samhita with Nibandha Sangraha commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya and Nyayachandrika Panjika of Sri Gayadasacharya edited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Chaukamba Krishnadas Academy Prakshana, Varanasi. reprint 2008, Sutra sthana 12th chapter.

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