Role of Lashuna in Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is an umbrella term it involves various forms of heart disease. Globally cardiovascular disease accounts for high mortality rate, the majority of this in the form of coronary heart disease & Cerebro vascular disease. Rapid economic development and change in life style in the past few years which also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In Ayurveda Hrudroga is explained, description of it is very brief and need more clarification. Following proper diet and life style modification is very important in this condition. Acharyas explains number of Dravyas for the management of Hrudroga, among them Lashuna (Allium sativum) can be used as both preventive as well as curative purpose. So, it can be a boon in case of cardiovascular diseases. It can be used as regular food and medicine. Following proper diet and regimen also has a great impact over action of Lashuna, and helps in maintaining the health.
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