Role of Gandhakadi Yoga in the management of Mutrashmari - A conceptual study

  • Girish NG Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Shalya tantra, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • Shridhar Rao HOD & Professor, Dept. of Shalya tantra, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Mutrashmari, Urolithiasis, Ashtamahagada, Gandhakadi Yoga


Ashmari is one of the Mutravahasrotho Vikara. Acharya Sushruta has mentioned it as one among Astamahagada due to its complications to urinary system and also it is difficult to treat and also Sushruta calls it as “Antakapratima” which means Swaroopa of Yama, because of its severe pain. In Ayurvedic literature Bheda of Mootrashmari is based on Lakshana’s of Dosha & Ashma. Due to its features like dysuria, pain abdomen, haematuria and malaise in contemporary science it has been correlated to urolithiasis. Urolithiasis is 3rd most common affliction of urinary tract. The recurrence rate of urolithiasis is approximately 50% within 5 yrs. Renal calculi affects one in 20 at some time or other in their lives to a negligible or noticeable extent. Conservative management of contemporary sciences are not that much helpful in preventing recurrences and surgical management is quite expensive and invasive. In Ayurveda, many Kalpas have been explained for the same and one among is Gandhakadi yoga. So this study has been taken up to explore the effect of Gandhakadi Yoga in Mutrashmari.


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How to Cite
Girish NG, & Shridhar Rao. (2022). Role of Gandhakadi Yoga in the management of Mutrashmari - A conceptual study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(1), 291 - 294. Retrieved from
Review Article