Management of Parikartika w.s.r. to Acute Fissur-In-Ano with Guduchi Taila Pichu - A Case Study
Fissure in ano is very common yet troublesome condition. Due to life style, intake of low fibre diet, junk food and constipation. Recurrence nature of this disease makes the treatment challenging. The symptoms can be correlated to Parikarthika according to Ayurveda. Many treatment modalities have been mentioned and practiced in management of Parikarthika such as Deepana, Pachana, Vaatanulomana, Avagaaha, Basti Karma and local application of Madhura, Sheetha, Snigdha Dravyas, Taila Poorana, Lepa and Pichu-Dharana. Pichudhaarana works on the basis of cellular absorption and is easier method for adoption. Conclusion: A case having features of Parikarthika was selected from OPD, SJIIM Hospital for case study and Guduchi Taila Pichudharana was done for 7 days. Assessment was done based on features like pain, burning sensation and sphincter tone. Significant improvement was observed after treatment.
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