Concept of Ojas : A Scientific Analysis
Background: The resistance power and immunity together are manifested by the Ojas component which is present throughout the body i.e., Sarbasharirvyapi. Oja is the essence of all the Dhatus and is responsible to protect the body. In different classical Ayurvedic texts Oja has been described elaborately with its type, site, quantity, function, and derangement etiology. Various researchers based on their ideas have given its modern parlance with immunity and stem cells etc. Aims and Objects: Despite being invisible, Oja is playing a very important role in the living body by its functions. The present review explains some important information about the fundamental concept of Oja & interprets it with amino acids along with their function. Materials & Methods: Original textbook of Charaka Samhita along with commentary, Susruta Samhita along with Nibandha Samgraha commentary, Astanga Hridayam along with Sarbanga Sundari and Ayurveda Rasayana Commentary, other available published articles in peer-reviewed journals, published books and subjects related material available online have been thoroughly screened, compiled, organized and described a systemic manner. Observation: Amino acids are important constituents of food. They supply the required building block for protein synthesis. It is also called basic building units. All twenty amino acids did not appear simultaneously in nature. Instead, some of them appeared rarely, while others were added to the genetic code later. It is necessary to take them in the diet because their deficiency results in decreasing the formation of a protein that ultimately leads to the disease condition. Oja, Saptadhatusara also formed from the Prasadbhaga of food. It is also considered a vital defense mechanism of the body. Dusti of Oja is responsible for various diseases such as Madhumeha, Yakshma, Jwar, Pandu, etc. Conclusion: The qualitative Ojas initiate the contentment, nourishment of the body and increase strength in terms of physical, mental, immunological of the body. Various authors have mentioned the concept of Ojas in their way but it is a bit difficult to define Ojas as per modern. Therefore, this review article attempts to create a novel concept of Ojas & their relation with amino acids, which is understandable in a scientific way and its overall effects on the human body which will be helpful for scholars in the treatment of diseases and advising precautions.
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Chakrapani Dutta, Ayurved Deepika commentary on Charak Samhita of Agnivesha Edited by – Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, published by ChowkhambaOrientala, Varanasi, 2009 ed. Sutrasthan, chapter 17, sloka-75; p-351.
Dalhan, Nibandha Samgraha commentary on Susruta Samhita commentary, Edited by YadavjiTrikamji Acharya, published by – Chowkhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Varanasi. 6th edition. Sutra sthan, chapter 15, sloka-19-20; p-104.
Dr. Sahu Dustidev, Dr. Parasar Rakesh, Dr. Gupta Chand, Dr. Dhaked Rajkumar; A critical review on Ojas, the defense to disease and its clinical importance, International Journal of Advanced Education and Research, volume-3, issue-1; 2018; p.-35-38.
Vagbhatt, Astanga Hridaya, A compendium of the Ayurvedic system; sarvangaga Sundar of Arun datta& Ayurveda Rasayana of Hemadri, Dr. Anna Moreswar Kunte; published by-Chaukhmbha Sanskrit Sansthan; reprint, 2018; chapter-11; slok-37-38, p -189.
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