Clinical indications of Ashwagandharishta an experiential and scientific view
Asavarishtas are Sandhaniya formulations which contain self generated alcohol in it. They are easy to prepare and preserve also. Asavarishtas like Amritarishta, Abhayarishta, Arjunarishta, Aravindasava, Ashokarishta, Balarishta, Chandanasava, Chavikasava Dashamoolarishta Drakshasava Eladyarishta, Gomootrasava, Jeerakarishta, Kutajarishta, Kumaryasava, kanakasava Mustakarishta, Punarnavasava and Pushkaramoolasava are few fermented formulations which are commonly used by Ayurveda physicians. Ashwagandharishta is one such preparation which is given in mental disorders, neurological disorders, and chronic debilitating diseases. It is having actions like Dipana, Pachana, Rasayana, Balya, Brimhana, Nadi Balya, sedative, hypnotic, antistress, adaptogenic and nerve tonic etc. The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Ashwagandharishta in experiential and scientific view.
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Shastry J L N, Dravyaguna vijnana , Choukhamba press, New delhi , Vol 2, 2005, PP. 650
Shastry J L N, Dravyaguna vijnana , Choukhamba press, New delhi Vol 2, 2005, PP 650

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