Critical analysis of Goghrita (cow ghee) and its action on Rasa Dhatu
Ahara (food) plays an important role in our daily life. Food provides various health benefits. Ghee is one such Snigdha Ahara Dravya which is considered to be an integral part of the human diet in India since ages. Amount of consumption of ghee varies according to region, and individuals. The nutritious and therapeutic value in ghee is good. Every food item we consume encounters with Agni and results in the formation of Ahara Rasa and thus Rasa Dhatu. Even the ghee consumed will be making an entry in to the Rasa Dhatu thus circulating all over the body. Rasa which is considered as the Aadya Dhatu continuously circulates and forms the Aadhara for nourishment of consecutive Shad Dhatus.
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