Uttar Basti - A Therapeutic Measure In Yonivyapada
Without Tridosha not a single disease can form or manifest. Among the Tridosha, Kapha and Pitta are non motile where as motility is attributed only to Vata. So to get vitiate Kapha and Pitta mostly requires an initiation from Vata Dosha. As per the therapeutic approach is concerned Basti have good efficacy to neutralise or normalise the vitiated as Vata is the primary humour which is responsible for all Yonivyapada. Yonivyapada described under Striroga covers almost all the diseases of women. Uttarbasti having both the effects of Shamana as well as the Shodhana effect. Hence, hypothesis – whether Uttarbasti can be taken as a major therapeutical approach for majority of Yonivyapadas? The drugs used in Uttarbasti mostly prepared with an oil base. Along with the oil Ushna, Tikshna, Vyavayi, sometimes Sheeta, Balya, Brimhana medicines act with respective to their above properties. The mode of action may be due to Srotoshuddhikara, stimulation on follicular cells also by giving nutrition to endometrium. Present study covers the methodology of Uttara Basti.
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