Therapeutic efficacy of Guduchi w.s.r to Madhyama Khanda of Sharangdhar Samhita
Various classics of Ayurveda has many herbs which are highly praised for their high therapeutic values, versatile range of action and easy availability. Along with the use of single herb in the therapy, use of various formulations in the form of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana is also indicated in the treatment of various diseases. Guduchi, botanically identified as Tinospora cordifolia (Wild.) Miers. of family, Menispermaceae is one such highly praised drug by almost all scholars. Guduchi is known by various names like Amruta, Chhinna, Chhinnaruha, Chakra, Chakralakshanika, Dhara, Somavalli etc. It has been indicated in management of Jwara (Pyrexia), Vatarakta (Joint disorders), Kushtha (Skin diseases), Kamala (Jaundice) and many other systemic disorders. Sharangdhar Samnhita is one of the important treatise on Bhaishajya Kalpana (Ayurvedic pharmaceutics). Madhyam Khanda of Sharangdhar Samhita is designed for description of various formulations. It contains dedicated chapter according to the type of formulations like Swaras. Kwatha, Hima etc. As like other scholars, Sharangdhar has also praised Guduchi for its higher therapeutic efficacy. Hence, it is needed to review the Madhyam Khanda of Sharangghar Samhita for knowing the use of Guduchi in variety of formulations.
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