Bhudhatryadi Yoga in Madhumeha (diabetes mellitus type 2) : An open label single arm clinical study
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by persistent hyperglycemia either due to less production of insulin or resistance of insulin receptors. Globally 463 million individuals are affected by type 2 diabetes & 77 million belong to India. India is deemed as the world's capital of diabetes. It can be correlated to Madhumeha. Bhudhatryadi Yoga is mentioned for the treatment of Prameha. Bhudhatryadi Yoga has Tikta Rasa, Laghu-Ruksha Guna, Sheeta Veerya. Katu Rasa of Maricha is Deepana and Pachana. It does Kleda Shoshana, Meda Shoshana and Kapha Harana. It removes Sroto Rodha and thereby helps in alleviating Kapha Prakopa. The effect of methanol extract of aerial parts of Bhumyamlaki has α–amylase & α–glucosidase enzyme inhibitory properties. α –amylase & α – glucosidase aid the production of glucose from the catabolism of starches and oligosaccharides. Methods: 28 registered subjects, 23 completed the course of intervention. They were administered with Bhudhatryadi Yoga orally 12 gm per day (6 gm twice daily before food) with Anupana of lukewarm water for a period of 30 days. Blood and urine glucose test was done on 1ST, 7TH and 30th from the day one of study initiation. For Statistical analysis subjective parameters were assessed by Cochran’s Q test followed by McNemar test and objective parameters were assessed by Repeated Measures Anova and Paired T Test. Results: There was statistically significant improvement observed in the signs and Symptoms of Madhumeha with blood and urine glucose levels. (p<0.05). Interpretation and Conclusion: Bhudhatryadi Yoga is effective in management of Madhumeha.
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