Management of Dushta Vrana (Non-Healing Ulcer) by Dhoopana (fumigation) with Guggulu Panchapala Choorna – A Case Report
Man, the superior most of all the species is always remaining in search of one prime goal; The perfect health. From Vedic era to space age, all the researches have been directed by the eminent scholars to achieve the same. Ancient Acharyas and their counterparts in this era tried and still trying their best to beep the man young and virile. Management of chronic non-healing ulcer has always been a difficult proposition in the evolution of medical practices. Throughout the ages, man was seeking better management of wound and ulcers. The current treatment used to treat non-healing ulcer is by antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, wound debridement, irrigation, hyperbaric oxygenation, vacuum assisted closure, maggot therapy etc. Many of such technique are much expensive and are not successful in many cases. Hence, a technique from Ayurvedic classics Dhoopana which is less expensive was selected for the study.
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C. Sreekala, Management of chronic non-healing ulcer (Dushta Vrana) by fumigation method using Guggulu Panchapala Choorna, Kerala Ayurveda Vaidyam, 2011;4:3&4.
Harshit Shah. Clinical And Experimental Studies of “Karpoor Ghritam” in the Management of rapid wound Healing (Vrana Ropana) - Shalya - IPGT&R, Jamnagar, Gujarat 2002.
C. Sreekala, Management of chronic non-healing ulcer (Dushta Vrana) by fumigation method using Guggulu Panchapala Choorna, Kerala Ayurveda Vaidyam, 2011;4:3&4.
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