A clinical study on combined effect of Padabhyanga and Pranayama in Nidranasha (Primary Insomnia) - Research Article
Sleep is one of the most significant human behaviour, occupying roughly one third of human life. It is the state of mind during which it blocks all the perception from the external world. Qualitative sleep is the essential component of good health. Disturbed sleep leads to discomfort and diseases, can be identified as longer time taken to fall asleep, more periods of wakefulness during the night, and time spent lying awake before rising in the morning. The reported prevalence of insomnia is 33% in the general population globally, and 16% in India and 18.6% in South India. Padabhyanga as a part of Dinacharya is said to induce sound sleep and Pranayama not only enhances Pranashakti but also calms down the stress on body and mind. Hence, in the current study, the combined effect of Padabhyanga and Pranayama practice among elderly population is attempted as remedial measures.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Akshay B Hiremath, Gurubasavaraj Yalagachin, Resmi K K, Uday T S, Chaithra H N, Ashitha N K

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