A Randomised Comparative Clinical Study to assess the efficacy of Snigdhapatra Pindasweda and Matrabasti in the management of Janusandhigatavata w.s.r. to Osteoarthritis of knee
Vata aggravation and Parihani (depletion) of all the Dhatus are inevitable in Vrudhavastha (old age). Hence there is subsequent vitiation of Vata which affects Asthidhatu (due to Ashraya and Ashrayi Sambandha) is common. Sandhigata Vata is one amongst them. The involvement of Marma with Vata Dosha and Dhatukshaya makes disease Yapya. Hence early management prevents disability in the old age. Snehana, Swedana and Basti Chikitsa are the prime line of management in Vatadosha. When the disease is Shula and Grahapradhana, affecting one body part, the Snigdha, Ekangasweda is the ideal treatment. So Snigdhapatra Pindasweda is selected. The need of Snehana, Brumhana, Vatashamana is best achieved by Snehabasti with Vatashamaka Taila (Dashamoola Taila). To assess the synergistic action, combined treatment is planned in the present study. With this in backdrop, a comparative clinical study was planned in 30 patients allotted into 3 groups of 10 each. Group A treated with Snigdhapatra Pindasweda, Group B treated with Matrabasti and Group C treated with both the treatment for 7 days. Within the group result showed statistically significant improvement in all the parameters. In between the groups comparison showed statistically significant difference in stiffness, tenderness, movement of knee joint, Walking - time and WOMAC- Index.
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