Extraction process of Haridra & Tulsi essential oil with their medicinal uses
Essential oils as defined by the European Pharmacopeia 7th edition as “Odorant products, which have the complex composition, and obtained from plant raw extract, either extracted by steam of water, dry distillation or a suitable mechanical method without heating. Generally, a physical method is used for the separation of essential oil from the aqueous phase which has no significant change in its chemical composition”. The essential oils are extracted from different aromatic plants. In this article we chose Haridra (Curcuma longa) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) plants. So, these plants essential oils were selected for the present study. The oil was obtained from the both plants. Haridra rhizome paste and Tulsi fresh leaves were taken for essential oil. The extraction process was carried out with the help of Clevenger apparatus.
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