A Clinical Study on the efficacy of Ashvagandha Ksheerapaka in Stree Vandhyatva w.s.r. to Anovulation
Fertility is an existential necessity and as such has assumed over whelming importance from time immemorial. However, not all couples who desire a pregnancy will achieve one spontaneously and a proportion of couples will need medical help to resolve underlying fertility problems. Infertility has been recognized as a public health issue world wide by the World Health Organization. Infertility severely affects the couples psychologically, sexually and socially. Anovulation accounts for 25 - 40% of the female infertility. Ayurveda offers several potent combinations in such a condition. The aim of the present paper is to address this problem by studying the efficacy of Ashvagandha Ksheerapaka in the induction of ovulation.
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