Management of Lichen Planus through Ayurveda - A Case Report
Autoimmunity is a biological paradox in which the cells and tissues of the body itself, by forming auto-antibodies and auto sensitized T-cells, react against antigens of the individual’s own tissue. Lichen Planus is also appearing to be such a disease. It is a chronic Skin disorder of unknown etiology. It is characterized by purplish or violaceous polyhedral, flat topped itchy papules, occurring mostly on the flexor surfaces and in the oral cavity. Vitiated Doshas destroy tissues in the Skin and produce discolouration and if not, properly treated produce disfiguration leading to Skin Diseases or Kushta. Kitibha is a type of Kshudra Kushta which is having Kshudra Mula described in Ayurvedic Classics. Kitibha Kushta closely resembles the clinical symptoms of Lichen Planus. This paper highlights a Case Study of Kitibha Kushta (Lichen Planus Pigmentosus) treated with the Ayurvedic Principles in particular Shodhana Chikitsa. A 55-year-old Male patient came to our OPD with chief compliant of Twak Vaivarnyam in both hands and lower abdomen with Kandu since 2yrs. He got better relief after a short period of treatment. Ayurvedic management involving Shamana Poorvaka Shodhana Karma with conducive diet and life style.
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