Ayurveda management of Adharanga Vata (Cervical Myelomalacia) – A Case Report
Myelomalacia is a radiological finding in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), shown as the hypo or hyper-densities in the spinal segments of the affected area. It is associated with focal cord atrophy and is resultant of spinal cord injuries like cord compression in most of the cases. Other causes include ischemic changes, syrinx formation, and cervical spondylosis myelopathy. In Ayurveda it is co-related to the Adharangavata (~weakness in the lower limbs). A 69year old patient was admitted in the apex hospital located in the western ghats in Karnataka with reduced strength in the both the legs and was unable to walk without support. The patient was treated with Shamanaushadhi (~Palliative medicines) & Basti (medicated enema). The results obtained were promising and encouraging. The patient achieved strength in both the legs and he was able to walk without support for more than 300mts. This approach has shown that cervical myelomalacia can be managed with Ayurveda and helps in avoiding the disease progression and surgical management.
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