A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Guduchyadi Ksheerabasti in Hyperuricemia
Background: Hyperuricemia affects approximately 5.9% of men and 2.0% of women and around 12% of overall population. Vatarakta is correlated with hyperuricemia is a acute/chronic inflammatory condition of joint takes place predominantly where serum uric acid is raised beyond 6.8 mg/dL. Aims and Objectives: Assessment of Guduchyadi Ksheera Basti in the management of Hyperuricemia. Methodology: The 23 patients of either sex belonging to age between 20-70 years having signs and symptoms of Hyperuricemia and confirmatory haematological investigations, were selected and after local massage and fomentation, were administered Ksheera Basti through anal route for a period of 8 days (Kala Basti Schedule) Niruha and Anuvasana given on the same day. Results were statistically analysed by using paired ‘t’ test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Observations and Results: Ksheera Basti provided statistically highly Significant effect (p<0.001) in improving in almost all the cardinal symptoms of Hyperuricemia. It also provided statistically highly significant results in improving all the given parameter in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Numerical rating scale (NRS), Verbal Rating Scale (VRS), status of serum uric acid, Bodily pain assessment, due to nourishing, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and analgesic properties of ingredients. Conclusion: Guduchyadi Ksheera Basti yields good clinical improvement in pacifying Vatadhika, Pittadhika Vatarakta.
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Sharangadhara samhita By Pt. Sharangadharacharya with the commentary Adhamalla’s Dipika and Kashirama’s Gudhartha Dipika, Edited with foot notes By Pt. Parashurama Shastri, Vidyasagara, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Fourth Edition, 2000.

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