Development and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Varnya Lepa Sunscreen Lotion (In-Vitro)
Background: Direct exposure to Solar radiation causes many harmful effects on the skin like suntan, sunburn, hyperpigmentation and skin ageing etc. To overcome these types of problems sunscreen applications can be helpful. In Ayurveda, authors explained Varnya Lepa drugs like Raktachandana (Pterocarpus santalinus Linn.), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia Linn), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa Roxb), Kustha (Saussurea lappa), Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla), Vatankura (Ficus benghalensis) and Masura (Lens culinaria Medic) have a high potential due to their antioxidant activity, vitamin, photoprotective, flavonoids and phenolic acid in the safety of the skin from UV rays and blocks each UVA and UVB. This formulation is mentioned for external application in the form of Lepa but due to problems like stains after applications, impediment in utilization, protection trouble, non-accessibility of crisp medication all the season. If Lepa contains herbal drugs it should be used within 24 hours, otherwise, the drugs get decomposed and the application may harm the skin. Lotion is viscous semisolid preparation. They may be oil-in-water or water-in-oil type, easy to apply in unbroken skin without friction. Lotions contain water-soluble bases and hence are more convenient to use. Aim: The present study aim was to develop Varnya Lepa sunscreen lotion and Assessment of Sun Protection Factor (SPF) by In-vitro method. Material and Methods: A lotion base of Four trials was done, in this trial fourth was passed all parameters and the final development of sunscreen lotion was prepared. The quantity of extract used in sunscreen lotion was selected after assessment of the absorbance factor in UV-spectrophotometry and calculated sun protection factor. Results: The Sun protection factor was obtained 29 and shown under broad-spectrum sunscreen. Conclusion: Varnya Lepa sunscreen lotion was successfully developed. Hence, can be used as sunscreen lotion.
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