Understanding of Primary Hypothyroidism Induced Obesity through Ayurveda
Ayurveda known as Mother of all healing, places a great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through proper attention to balance in one’s life, diet, lifestyle and use of herbs. Ayurveda has been practiced since ancient time in the form of eight major clinical specialties. Ayurveda gives important to metabolic disorders as it’s says all Vyadhis are produced due to Agnimandya. In present days incidents of Thyroid hormone dysfunction drastically increased leading to obesity. According to common perception, Hypothyroidism is held responsible for obesity. As Hypothyroidism is associated with modest weight gain. In novel view indicates that change in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) could be secondary to obesity. As a contemporary science available is hormone replacement therapy which only decreases or increases Thyroid hormone. But according to Ayurveda we don’t just normalize Hypo and Hyper secretion of Thyroid hormone, but treat the abnormal secretion of Thyroid gland.
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