A case report on the management of Amavata by Agni Chikitsa Lepa with Manjishtadi Kshara Basti
Treatment of the disease with the collective involvement of Agni, multiple Dhatu and Dosha are challenge to the clinical practitioner. One such disease with increasing prevalence is Amavata. The involvement of Agni, Ama, all the Dosha and multiple Dhatu makes it difficult to manage. The Sama stage of the disease with the involvement of Vata and Kapha is to be managed with Deepana, Pachana, Ruksha, Ushna, Teekshna line of management. As there is involvement of Vata and Kapha, Basti Chikitsa formulated on the basis of Teekshna, Kaphaghna Basti are the ideal treatment. With this concept in backdrop, a male patient diagnosed as Amavata with raised RA factor was treated with Agnichikitsa Lepa externally and Manjistadi Kshara Basti in Kala Basti course for 7 days. Clinically patient showed significant reduction in symptoms of Amavata, RA factor, ESR, Uric acid after 7 days of course. Hence, combined Rukshana, Deepana, Pachana with Vata, Kapha Shamana will help in managing the Amavata.
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