Experimental evaluation of diuretic effect of Usheera Moola - Vetiveria Zizanioides (Linn.) Nash
By literary survey Usheera is mentioned from Vedakala. Some Nighantus and some Ayurvedic modern books mention that, it has Mootravirechaniya action used in Mootrakricchra. This drug is easily available and grows all over India. Hence roots of Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn) Nash i.e. Usheera was selected for this study. Most of Ayurvedic drugs or formulations are known for their safety and efficacy. Hence literary research is done to specify a medicine that can act as a diuretic. Lots of drugs are mentioned as Mootravirechaniya (diuretic) in Ayurvedic classics. Here Mootravirechaniya is also called as Bastishodhana and Mootrala. They are having Sheeta Veerya or Ushna Veerya, Madhura, Amla, Lavana Rasas, Drava and Upakledi properties. The selected drug Usheera is having Sheeta and Madhura properties. Diuretics are the drugs which cause a net loss of sodium and water in urine. These are widely prescribed drugs. They are used whenever there is need to eliminate excess of water and ion accumulated in tissues.
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