Management of Asrigdara - A Case Report

  • Deepa M. Nelaguddad Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Streeroga Evam Prasootitantra, Sri Kalabyaraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • Anupama V Professor & HOD, Department of PG Studies in Streeroga Evam Prasootitantra, Sri Kalabyaraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Vataja Pradara, Adenomyosis, Shodhana, Shamana


Pradara is a combination of excessive bleeding per vaginum, dysmenorrhoea and lowback ache. Vataja Pradara being a type of Pradara mainly includes Ati Rakta Pravrutti along with Shula in Kati, Vankshana, Prushta and Shroni. On the basis of clinical symptoms, Vataja Pradara mostly simulates with Adenomyosis which is a benign condition and one among the causes of chronic pelvic pain in multiparous woman. Incidence of Adenomyosis is 0.14% and prevalence is 2.00%. Here is a case study of 34 year old female presenting with severe pain during menstruation and excessive bleeding since 4-5 years and her USG report shows bulky uterus with focal adenomyosis. In contemporary science hysterectomy is the only way to treat this condition but with Vataja Pradara line of treatment including Shodhana, Shamana and Matra Basti patient got significant relief from pain and excessive bleeding along with the improved quality of life.


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How to Cite
Deepa M. Nelaguddad, & Anupama V. (2022). Management of Asrigdara - A Case Report. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(7), 163 - 167. Retrieved from
Case Report