Understanding the etiopathogenesis of Katigraha - An Observational Study
Katigraha is one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi which simulates with the signs and symptoms of Low Back pain. It continues to be the most common health concern for which patients seek primary care therapy. Our Acharyas explains Katigraha as a Lakshana in various Vatavyadhi and in other diseases. Here, Katigraha indicates a disease condition of the back associated with pain and stiff movements. As Gada Nigraha clearly states pain is produced due to stiffness produced by Saama or Niraama Vayu movement in to Kati hence this suggests of presence of Dhatu Kshayatmaka and Marga Avarodhaka type of Samprapti. Hence in this context Katigraha denotes a group of symptoms characterized by the restriction of movements of Kati region in which pain would be a main feature as Graha alternatively means pain as restriction is said to produce pain in the particular region. The backache or lumbago is one of conditions which results from violation of bio mechanics of spine as it results when the physical and mental strain and faulty postures alter anthropometrical precision. The 70-80% of world population suffers from backache at some point of their life. As the back pain is very subjective in nature, there are very few objectives finding in history, clinical examination and even on extensive radiological or laboratory investigation.
2. Acharya Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita with English Translation and Critical Exposition Based on Chakrapani Dutta’s Ayurveda Deepika Commentary by DR. Ram Karan Sharma & Vaidhya Bhagavan Dash, Reprint edition 2015, Published by Chowkhamba Sansrit Series Office, Varanasi, Volume 5, Chikitsa Sthana Chapter 20, Verse 11 p. 113.
3. Ashtanga Hridaya of Vagbhata with the Commentaries Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta & Ayurveda Rasayana of Hemadri Annotated by Dr. Anna Moreswar Kunte B.A., M.D. and Krsna Ramchandra Sastri Navre Edited by Pt. Hari Sadasiva Sastri Paradakara, Bhisagacarya, Published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Nidana Sthana, Chapter 15, p. 531
4. Vangasena Samhita or Chikitsasara samgraha of Vangasena Text with English translation, Notes, Historical Introduction, Comments, Index and Appendices by Dr. Nirmal Saxena, Published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Volume I Nidanadhikara, Amavata Nidana.
5. Acharya Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita with English Translation and Critical Exposition Based on Chakrapani Dutta’s Ayurveda Deepika Commentary by DR. Ram Karan Sharma & Vaidhya Bhagavan Dash, Reprint edition 2015, Published by Chowkamba Sansrit Series Office, Varanasi, Volume 5, Chikitsa Sthana Chapter 28, Verse 15-18 p. 617.
6. Y.P Munjal, API Textbook of Medicine, Jaypee publications; Volume 2, 10th edition, Part 24, p. 2470
7. Y.P Munjal, API Textbook of Medicine, Jaypee publications; Volume 2, 10th edition, Part 24, p. 2471

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