Understanding Meniere’s Disease in the light of Ayurveda

  • Anuradha Biserotti Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubballi, Karnataka, India.
  • Prashanth AS Professor & HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubballi, Karnataka, India.
  • Datta Nadgir Neurophysician, Brain and Nerve Clinic, Hubballi, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Meniere’s disease, Karnanaada, Karnakshweda, Badhirya, Bhrama, Nasya Karma, Karnapoorana


Meniere’s Disease is an inner ear disease characterized by episodes of Vertigo, Fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, Tinnitus and sensation of fullness of ear (aural fullness).  It may be associated with headache, nausea, drop attacks. Relapsing nature of the disease hampers the quality of life in patients. The highest prevalent age group is 30- 60 years of age. The main pathology occurs as the result of endolymphatic sac distension caused by excessive production or faulty absorption of endolymph or both. The exact cause is unknown the hypothesized etiological factors are vasomotor disturbances, excessive retention of water and sodium, allergy, auto immune, otosclerosis, otitis media etc. Acharya Sushruta has explained Karnarogas like Karnanaada, Karnakshweda, Badhirya which are nearer to Meniere’s disease when studied along with Bhrama. By knowing Doshic involvement we can incorporate the Chikitsa explained in the context of Urdhwajatru Vikaras like Nasya, Karnapoorana, Shirodhara etc. it is a Vata Pradhana Tridoshaja Vyadhi along with Rajo Dosha vitiation. Management can be done by adopting Shodhana Chikitsa like Snigdha Virechana, Tikshna Nasya which are helpful in combating Margavarodha and Vataprakopa, followed by Brimhana Nasya, Rasayana therapy along with Satwavajaya Chikitsa which helps to manage the anxiety induced by Vertigo.


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How to Cite
Anuradha Biserotti, Prashanth AS, & Datta Nadgir. (2022). Understanding Meniere’s Disease in the light of Ayurveda. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(6), 152 - 158. Retrieved from https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/1952
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