Study of Nabhi Pradesha and Nabhi Nadi Shareera
Ayurveda is an intricate and detailed science, which provides great insight into the importance of every part of the body. One of the most important parts is Nabhi along with other structures. The Nabhi plays the most important role in the development of the body from the very beginning of the life, even at embryonic stage. In Ayurveda, Nabhi is believed to be the root of Siras present between Pakvashaya and Amashaya. Such Siras are passage ways of nutrients and serve as outlets for showering sustenance in different parts of our body. Due to Nabhi’s importance, many Ayurveda Acharya’s found Nabhi to be a significant structure in the body and core of all organs of the body. In ancient Indian tradition the navel of the god Vishnu is consider as the centre of the universe at the source of the life. From his navel, a new world emerges. It also has aesthetic importance but also tells the health status, it is a site of various treatment to which makes it worthy to consider its anatomical concepts and applied aspects. In embryonic stage Nabhi place an important role in the development of fetus, by the formation of Garbha Nabhi Nadi through which nutrient materials exchange between mother and fetus this will explains the concepts of Garbha Phoshana and Garbha Matru-Paratantrata concepts. With this background an attempt is done for the literary study of Nabhi Pradesha and Nabhi Nadi Shareera.
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