Assessment of Osteoporosis (Asthi-Majja Kshaya) w.s.r. to BMD with Dashmool Majja Siddha Sneha Basti
Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue consequentially leading to increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. According to principle of Ashraya-Asharayi Bhava, Asthi and Vata are inversely proportional to each other regarding to the Vriddhi and Kshaya. The symptoms of AsthiMajja Kshaya resembles to osteoporosis. Dashmool and Majjadravyas have direct affinity towards Asthi Dhatu, already diagnosed and non-operated case of osteoporosis with complaints of pain of bilateral hip joint and Lower back pain, restricted movements and limping gait approached the out-patient division of the hospital and was managed by Panchakarma therapy. The aim of the study is to find out the Probable efficacy and accepted activities of osteogenesis and ossification by the DMSSB (changes in T and Z score of BMD before and after intervention). Significant improvement was noticed after the treatment. Pain was reduced significantly with marked improvement in range of motion.
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