A case study of Necrotising Fascitis w.s.r. to Pittaja Dushta Vrana
Necrotising fascitis is a spreading inflammation of the skin, deep fascia and soft tissues with extensive destruction, toxaemia commonly due to Streptococcus Pyogens infection. It is common in old age, smoking, diabetes, immunosuppressed individuals. Trauma is the precipitating factor for this disease. It can occur in limbs, lower abdomen, groin, perineum etc. It needs intensive care with appropriate antibiotics and surgical debridement. Vrana is a condition which even after the complete healing, leaves a scar over the area, which stays as long as the person is alive. Vrana which has foul odour, has abnormal colour with profuse discharge, intense pain and takes longer time to heal is said to be Dushta. Acharya has mentioned separate treatment for the management of these Vrana in detail. It is a case report of a 46 year old male patient who presented with chief complaints of pain and swelling over the dorsum of the left foot with foul smell oozing purulent discharge with blackish discolouration since 1 week. He was examined and diagnosed as necrotising fascitis and was managed with Shodhana therapy along with palliative treatment.
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