Impact of Ayurvedic Interventions to improve the Nutritional Status among Adolescent Girls and Children under-five years in Devbhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat
Introduction: Anaemia is the global public health crisis, so also in India. The most direct connection between Pandu Roga and nutritional deficiency anaemia can be found in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic remedy was put through a clinical study on anaemic adolescent girls because anaemia is commonly prevalent that affects the society and the side effects of oral allopathic iron preparations are highly common. The present study assesses the impact of ayurvedic medicines in improving the nutritional status among anemic adolescent girls and severely underweight children under five years of age in Devbhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat. Method: The pre-post study was registered with Clinical Trial Registry of India conducted at Devbhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat. A total of 450 anaemic adolescent girls and 179 severely underweight children were screened respectively. Adolescent girls were provided with Faltrikadhi Kavath, Purnanavardi Mandur, and Amalaki Rasayan. Under-five children was given Shishubhaishaj granules in powder form. The study was conducted in three phases (Baseline, Intervention and Endline Assessment). Results: A total of 219 adolescent girls and 120 under-five children was evaluated during endline assessment. The mean improvement in Hb was +0.36 gm/dL for 219 subjects, however subjects (n=99) with better compliance shows significant improvement (+1.07 gm/dL, P=0.005). Under five children shows improvement in their anthropometric measurements (WAZ). Conclusion: The present study revealed that Ayurvedic intervention can improve Hb status of adolescent girls only with better compliance. The study also reports the reason of non-compliance and ways to address it.
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