Role of Upanaha Sweda in the management of Avabahuka - A Case Study

  • Tanvi Joshi Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • Seema Bahatkar Professor and HOD, Department of Panchakarma, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Vata Vikara, Avabahuka, Swedan, Upanaha Sweda.


According to Ayurveda, Vata Dosha is responsible for most of the body functions including movements of all joints. Avabahuka described by Acharya Sushruta in eighty Vata Vikara is a disease of Ansa Sandhi. It represents with Shoola, Graha and Sakashta Sandhi Kriya. Ansa Sandhi i.e., shoulder joint has a very wide range of motion, so, pain and restriction of movements severely affects the daily activities. Upanaha Sweda is a type of Swedan Karma explained in the management of Vata Dosha. Acharya Vangasena has specifically mentioned Upanaha Sweda in treatment of Avabahuka. Application of mixture of Vatahara Patra and other Dravyas at the affected part helps to relieve pain, stiffness and difficulty in movements. In this case study, a female patient having symptoms of Avabahuka since 8 months was treated with Upanaha Sweda for 14 days and significant improvement was observed.


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H.S. Paradkar, Ashtanga Hridaya of Acharya Vagbhata with Sarvang sundara teeka by Hemadri, Nidansthan, adhyay 12, verse 18, pg.195, Chaukhamba Surabharti publications, Varanasi, reprint ed.2015.

How to Cite
Joshi, T., & Bahatkar, S. (2022). Role of Upanaha Sweda in the management of Avabahuka - A Case Study . Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(9), 181 - 185. Retrieved from
Case Report