Management of Shwitra by Ayurvedic Shaman Chiktsa - A Case Study

  • Nirmal Sain Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • Narayan Sabu HOD and Professor, Dept. of Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Shwitra, Vitiligo, Shaman Chikitsa


Vitiligo is among the skin disorder presenting with white patches (Hypopigmented patches) over the skin, mainly caused by loss of melanin pigment or due to destruction of pigment forming cells known as Melanocytes or associated with Auto-Immune diseases like Diabetes mellitus, Pernicious Anaemia, Addison’s Disease. In Ayurvedic literature this is incorporated under Shwitra which is described in kushtha (Dermatosis). It is caused by Dosha Dhatu Sammurchana mainly include Tridosha and Dhatus like Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, & Meda leads to Bhrajak Pitta Dushti. The condition is often a matter of concern for social embarrassment & for cosmetic purpose. The following case study of treating the condition of Shwitra is a safe and effective method which includes diet and Internal Ayurvedic medication, as a Shaman Aushadhi followed by Lep Chikitsa and exposure to sun light. Above treatment was aimed to stimulate Melanocytes pigmentation in the skin. We observed good results in the patient of Shwitra Kushtha By above management.


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How to Cite
Sain, N., & Sabu, N. (2022). Management of Shwitra by Ayurvedic Shaman Chiktsa - A Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(9), 211 - 215. Retrieved from
Case Report