Vamana Karma in Tamaka Shwasa - A Case Study
Tamaka Shwasa is a very common disease in India. The prevalence of the disease is increasing day by day due to genetic susceptibility, Pollution, environmental factor, stressful life, abnormal Food style that all exposes the humans to suffer from Tamaka Shwasa. Ayurveda the science of life describes the management of lifestyle diseases. In the form of proper dietary, its behavioral management i.e., daily regimen and seasonal regimen, seasonal detoxification and rejuvenation therapies In Ayurveda Shodhana (Purification) Shamana (Pacification) and Nidana Parivarjana (avoiding causative factors) are the three folds of fundamental therapeutic management of the disease. Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s prime Shodhana procedures which is basically group of detoxification procedures. In Ayurveda text Tamaka Shwasa is a disease which Is Kapha Vata Dosha predominant and disease of Pranavaha Strotasa. Tamaka Shwasa is clinically much resembled with bronchial asthma. Here Panchakarma procedure is quite effective which is based on situation of patient. In present case study Panchakarma procedure i.e., Vasantik Vamana was given to the patient for management of Tamaka Shwasa.
Goyal HR Clinical study of tamaka shwasa central council of research in ayurveda and siddha; new Delhi; 1997.
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Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita Ayurveda Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta, by Kashinath Shastri, Chikitsa Sthana 17/133. Chaukhambha Prakashan, Varanasi, p- 525.
Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita Ayurveda Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta, by Kashinath Shastri, Chikitsa Sthana 17/170. Chaukhambha Prakashan, Varanasi, p- 535.
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