A comparative clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Darvyadi Kashaya and Vidangadi Kashaya in Prameha vis-a-vis Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Background: Prameha is a Mutratipravrutta Vyadhi which is characterized by Prabhuta Mutra and Avila Mutra. Prameha is considered as a Daruna Vyadhi as it involves Tridosha, affects Basti which is a Mahamarma, is Anushangi with many Upadrava. Kapha, Meda and Shareera Kleda play an important role in its manifestation. This disease has closer resemblance with Type II Diabetes mellitus. In Ayurveda classical texts, various formulations in the form of Kashaya, Ghritha, Asava and Arishta have been explained in the context of treatment of Prameha. Darvyadi Kashaya and Vidangadi Kashaya mentioned as Sarvaprameha Hara Yoga in Charaka Samhita and Yogaratnakara respectively are taken up for study in the management of Prameha vis-a-vis Type II Diabetes mellitus. Objective: To compare the efficacy of Darvyadi Kashaya and Vidangadi Kashaya in Prameha vis-`a-vis Type II Diabetes mellitus. Method: It was a comparative clinical study involving two groups, Group A and Group B, each consisting of 25 patients. For Group A, Darvyadi Kashaya was administered and for Group B, Vidangadi Kashaya was administered for 90 consecutive days. Result: After completion of treatment, it was observed that glycemic control was considerable in both the groups. Darvyadi Kashaya showed slightly better results in Karapada Daha and Prabhuta Mutra at night. In fresh cases, significant glycemic control was observed compared to treated cases in both the groups. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the results that both Darvyadi Kashaya and Vidangadi Kashaya are equally effective in management of Prameha vis-a-vis Type II Diabetes mellitus.
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