To evaluate the role of Lakshadi Avachoornana in the management of Dushta Vrana with special reference to Diabetic Ulcer : A Case Study
The global prevalence of diabetics is estimated to increase from 4.0% in 1995 to 5.5% by the year 2025. The chances of secondary infection are more in diabetics as the immunity of the patients is compromised and needs prolonged hospitalization, psychological and social problem for the patients and family. In Madhumehi the vessels of lower limb become weak and is unable to expel the Doshas (along with other Dushyas) leading to Prameha Pidakas more in lower extremities, which eventually burst open precipitating an ulcer. Avachoornana is one among the Shashti Upakrama, explained by Acharya Sushrutha for management of Vrana. Numerous studies are done in the management of Dushta Vrana with the internal medication and external therapies. Here a preliminary attempt to study the effect of Avachoornana with Lakshadi Choorna in the management of the same was taken for the study.
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