A Review on Eksara Gana

  • Jyoti Rani PhD Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
  • Priyanka Katru PhD Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
  • Renu Sharma PhD Scholar, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
  • Prof. Anita Sharma Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Keywords: Agad, Astang, Eksara, Mandali, Snake


Agad Tantra is a branch of Astang Ayurveda and it deals with the toxicology. Many formulations are explained in different type of poisoning in which one is Eksara Gana. Total seventeen drugs are described in this context and the usage is totally up to doctor’s intellectuality. Eksara Gana can be used as single drug form or can be mixed with two or more drug. All the drugs are called as anti-poisonous and can be used in every poisoning condition.in researches, all the drugs had been proved beneficial for different system of body. So, it should be used according to target of poison. For ex- if poisoning is of due to Mandali (viper) snake bite, then its main target is blood and kidney so Varuna and Shyama can be used.


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How to Cite
Rani, J., Priyanka Katru, Renu Sharma, & Prof. Anita Sharma. (2023). A Review on Eksara Gana. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(11), 145 - 149. Retrieved from https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/2107
Review Article